You Are NOT Random!

That spark in your eye that charms them all. That natural laugh, however imperfect it may be. That genuine grin, infectious regardless of whether or not your face stretches like Jim Carey’s and whether or not you have funny teeth or even no teeth at all. That knack of saying something mildly offensive but getting away with it either because the irony of it all floored even the target or because people just didn’t get what you said. That wild impulse to do something forbidden or unusual, to go out there and shock your audience. 

You have all these things and more, but describe yourself as “random” and you instantly become less interesting to me than the toothpick stuck between your teeth. No, I do not have a thing for toothpicks or for teeth.
 Am I just trying to revive English as I love it? Am I a wicked witch for going all Victorian and Book Antiqua on unsuspecting minds? Or, disturbing as it is, am I randomly ranting about things that bother me?


anirudh said...

Does this apply to hand/face/body gestures/expressions too? I have this one friend who, after eating some absolutely ordinary khana like (apparently) awesome cinnamon cakes, caramel custard (now you know why i said "apparently") and the like does this 'military salute' gesture. She does it for every other apparently good stuff she eats.

anirudh said...

Oh but it (^) so doesn't kill the impulse to do something forbidden and impulsive and to go out there and shock the audience :P
It being the 'military salute'; its actually 'salaam-saab salute and military salute ka cross/hybrid'. My bad.

Shweta said...

Does what apply?
For any or all of the things I mentioned at the beginning to happen is perfectly fine, I'd go so far as to say some carry it all off well enough to be endearing; it's the "ooh look at me, I'm so *random*!" junta that I'm after.

And if your friend's anything like me, she probably doesn't even realize she makes that gesture often, let alone realizing that you have noticed it.

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