I haven't blogged in over a year! Feels like five. When I'm asked what I do for fun now, aside from college (later, tell you later), it doesn't even cross my mind to say I blog off and on.
I miss being able to sound all cool and bloggerly haha.
I miss shooting off posts and then saving half of them as drafts instead of publishing right away. The joys and shivers of revisiting the junk you wrote yesterday.. I miss that as well. All the stuff on this blog was written so long ago that nostalgia overpowers all self-critical editing instincts.
Editing, be it someone else's writing or my own, now that's something I'm not sure I miss. But it's okay, I've set myself up for a lifetime of fixing things as and when they turn clunky and inefficient.
I think one of the nicest things about writing regularly is that occasionally, not necessarily often, you author something that resonates with a reader. Nicer still if you get to hear about it! Sometimes that reader is a surprise or a complete stranger, sometimes it's someone who you always suspected didn't really like you at all, and sometimes it's exactly the reader you had in mind while writing. Haan rest of the time it's the same old "chaar log" who comprise your entire readership..
It's nice to be able to strike a chord somewhere. With present day readers, and with your future self.
I know I didn't have any of this in mind when I blogged back then. But going through some old posts today had me feeling so grateful for having written them when I did. And it's simply not about which ones got tons of hits (none did).
A post about my scene with the Army, that's a post I'm grateful for. It came at a good time, and I appreciate more than I would've expected that even my father read it.
The wonderful reassurance that I had some serious imagination game at age four, and the sense to write about it at age 18.
There's stuff that makes me want to go back in time and pat my past-self's head. Not like the Pillsbury doughboy, no. But come on, just read about my woes! Too cool.
There's wisdom.
And senti aplenty.
And pain that I must endure until I frickin' die.
I want to give future-me more of this stuff.
Selfish agenda is selfish. And how I talk and write is probably outdated!
There are a lot of things that were an integral part of who I was and what I did two, three, four years ago. And some of them simply aren't anymore.
That's okay. That's welcome!
But I think blogging off and on is something I want to bring back into my routine.
So hi again =)
I miss being able to sound all cool and bloggerly haha.
I miss shooting off posts and then saving half of them as drafts instead of publishing right away. The joys and shivers of revisiting the junk you wrote yesterday.. I miss that as well. All the stuff on this blog was written so long ago that nostalgia overpowers all self-critical editing instincts.
Editing, be it someone else's writing or my own, now that's something I'm not sure I miss. But it's okay, I've set myself up for a lifetime of fixing things as and when they turn clunky and inefficient.
I think one of the nicest things about writing regularly is that occasionally, not necessarily often, you author something that resonates with a reader. Nicer still if you get to hear about it! Sometimes that reader is a surprise or a complete stranger, sometimes it's someone who you always suspected didn't really like you at all, and sometimes it's exactly the reader you had in mind while writing. Haan rest of the time it's the same old "chaar log" who comprise your entire readership..
It's nice to be able to strike a chord somewhere. With present day readers, and with your future self.
I know I didn't have any of this in mind when I blogged back then. But going through some old posts today had me feeling so grateful for having written them when I did. And it's simply not about which ones got tons of hits (none did).
A post about my scene with the Army, that's a post I'm grateful for. It came at a good time, and I appreciate more than I would've expected that even my father read it.
The wonderful reassurance that I had some serious imagination game at age four, and the sense to write about it at age 18.
There's stuff that makes me want to go back in time and pat my past-self's head. Not like the Pillsbury doughboy, no. But come on, just read about my woes! Too cool.
And senti aplenty.
And pain that I must endure until I frickin' die.
I want to give future-me more of this stuff.
Selfish agenda is selfish. And how I talk and write is probably outdated!
There are a lot of things that were an integral part of who I was and what I did two, three, four years ago. And some of them simply aren't anymore.
That's okay. That's welcome!
But I think blogging off and on is something I want to bring back into my routine.
So hi again =)
That was a little subtle but nice:) You should write more often!
PS: Too scared to comment as I ain't that good at writing yet.
Yahaan subtle kya tha?
Writing more often, yep that's the plan. I hope you comment just as often, regardless of whether you have a compliment to offer or criticism. Chances are it'll make you feel like a better writer over time :)
subtle aapka writing style hai..thoda passive..aur acha laga muje..N you will definitely here from me often..good night :)
And chances are I can fall in love with your writing ;)
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