Disjoint X.

Found a new blog that keeps me reading.
Talked about labels and assurances.

Damn. Lost in the first set itself. The idea is to put down ten comments/observations/opinions that have absolutely nothing to do with each other. The two sentences up there, the link was Blogs and Labels, see? Right. Let's do this again.
My cell phone's a Lib. It aborts calls.
My aunt leads a lonely life.

Faaaaaaaaack. I suck at this. Let's try it one more time.

I love a guy; said guy loves me back.
I ought to write more often, getting rusty.
Photography is beginning to scare the shit out of me.
I'd like to throw out all my jeans and stock up on shorts.
I need you to airdrop a serious hobby on my head.
Five lines and two glaringly obvious links. There's a reason the post title ends with an X. Mission bombed.


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