How I Doodle

This is the start of my story. It may not turn out to be a tale of universal importance, it may not have a bearing on the working of local authorities. It may not even make a point besides those scattered points it covers while I ramble and drag it with me to record my ramblings. And yet I write.

This current exercise isn't quite writing though. You play around with your keyboard, switching lines and text styles, perhaps playing a game of Sudoku. You scribble on your sheet of paper and end up creating caricatures, complex geometric forms and sometimes, pretty flowers that make you cringe. You turn into a paper troll – and your reference point here should be open web forums and annoying comment droppers, not Origami. But the point is, you doodle. And occasionally, something good comes out of it. A distinct thought, a point of view, a funny line. Or a line that you think is funny.

This whole concept of activity that begins with no clear aim but ends up being “worthy” of one's time interests me. All said and done, here it's (the) beginning that matters. If you can convince yourself to get started even without the end in sight you're good to go. Keep at it and chances are you'll have something concrete in place. I know plenty hold a contrary point of view, one that mandates a solid goal at the outset, one that won't go up in fumes. May they.

Perhaps you choose to brainstorm only in your mind, grappling with intangible thoughts and possibilities. I'm only suggesting that perhaps it's also worth a shot to try the same with words you can see.

I'm still not too sure what I'm getting at or what incident is prompting this but I already know I have 250 odd words up there that would work as a blog post. Particularly on a blog named Where I Doodle. Subconscious streams of thought, I tell you...

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